

Original price was: ₹7,000.00.Current price is: ₹5,000.00. This Price is without Tax


The SLT-LED-SW-KIT board can work on only external 5VDc supply. Use ON-OFF switch to on of board.

DIP Switches Interface
The SLT-LED-SW-KIT Board has 64 individual DIP switches. DIP switch is used to provide digital input (i.e. logic 0 and logic 1) to the FPGA.


Key Features:

  • Spartan3e-XC3250E_PQ208
  • Up to 166 user-I/O pins   

Key components:

  • XC3S250E
  • FLASH – M25P20
  • 64 LED
  • 64 DIP switches
  • 1 RGB LED
  • 6 seven segments
  • Variable clock
  • On Board USB JTAG
  • USB powered


The SLT-LED-SW-KIT board can work on only external 5VDc supply. Use ON-OFF switch to on of board.

DIP Switches Interface
The SLT-LED-SW-KIT Board has 64 individual DIP switches. DIP switch is used to provide digital input (i.e. logic 0 and logic 1) to the FPGA.

LED Interface
The SLT-LED-SW-KIT Board has 64 individual LED. which is used to provide digital output (i.e. logic 0 and logic 1) from the FPGA.

Clock Sources
The SLT-LED-SW-KIT supports clock input sources which are listed below.
The board includes an on-board 12 MHz clock oscillator. This board also has a variable clock frequency generator. You can very frequency by using PR1 pot, LED4 will show variable clock.

RGB LED Interface
The SLT-LED-SW-KIT board has a RGB LED. The LED has 4 terminals-Red, Green, Blue and Ground. Logic high is applied to R/G/B terminals to generate a chromatic signal corresponding to R, G and B signals. The LED can be used to observe the PWM signal.

Seven Segment interfacing
To display all six digits, each display is selected sequentially one after another in time division multiplexed manner above a minimum rate to get flicker free display. If each digit is scanned more than 30 times per second, a flicker free display is obtained.
Each display is selected by lowering its enable signal. All displays share eight common control signals to turn ON the LED segments corresponding to enabled display. The display data inputs, A through G and DP, drive the individual segments that comprise the character. A Low value lights the individual segment, High turns off the segment.


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